Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Biden Factor

My initial reaction to the news that Biden had been chosen as Obama’s running mate was that he is a solid pick but not an exciting one.

The excitement that follows in the immediate aftermath of the announcement, one that gives the campaign a bump in polls and otherwise -- this excitement is generally a result of the person being well known. The reinvigorated Al Gore*, for example, would be an exciting choice. Colin Powell, as another example, could bring a lot of excitement as McCain’s running mate.

With polls showing that a vast majority of Americans do not know Biden, it is difficult to generate that sort of excitement with the announcement. Biden, who? Why get excited about some old, white guy, who has been a senator for a long time and is an expert at foreign policy? Sound like a certain someone? What about Obama’s message of change?

McCain’s chief tactics are straight out of the Rove playbook – go after your opponent’s strengths and turn them into liabilities. So, Obama’s message of change is turned into inexperience and his ability to move people and to inspire them is turned into some shallow celebrity-like quality. By picking Biden, an older, experienced politician Obama seems to be addressing McCain’s charges and in effect legitimizing them.

Moreover, Obama has long argued that his opposition to the Iraq war is one the factors that distinguishes him from the other candidates, and that it should be seen as an example of his superior judgment. Biden voted for the Iraq resolution. Doesn’t choosing Biden undermine Obama’s original argument?

The concerns I outline above, may be construed as my disapproval of Biden, but rather I offer these as criticism of Obama’s muddling of his message and more importantly, his handling of McCain. With the national landscape tilted so much in favor of the Democrats, there is no reason for this race to be as tight as it is.

Obama needs to own his strengths and to capitalize on them. If a celebrity can inspire 10,000 people to show up at a rally, to participate in public life, to take part in a discourse about how they can change their country, then he is doing more than most politicians in this country. If a celebrity can inspire 200,000 Germans to show up in a gesture of goodwill and solidarity, then we need a celebrity to mend our ties to allies and foes alike. If years of experience in Washington can lead to where the country is currently, then the lack of experience in DC should be a good thing. Senator Obama, please take off the kiddy gloves and embrace your inner warrior.

And this is where, Joe Biden comes in. Biden, despite all the concerns I have raised, brings numerous strengths to the ticket. These strengths and the counter-arguments to my concerns, I will highlight in the next few posts.

* Gore has said explicitly that he is not interested. I am simply using him as an example.

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