Monday, November 3, 2008

Who the F*** Is Todd?

On the campaign trail today, Palin brought new charges -- the Democrats are soft on terrorism. More vapid spewing from an utterly unqualified source but we've gotten used to this.
Using stronger language than she has in the past, Palin also questioned Obama’s readiness for office. "If you think about it, Barack Obama's record -- what is in his record? What has he accomplished?” she said, adding she had discussed the issue with her husband, Todd, in recent days. “Has he ever wielded a veto pen? Has he ever had to make the tough decisions on how to govern best for the people whom he should be held accountable to? He is untested, as his own running mate said, throughout the primaries.”
It's the "discussed the issue with Todd" part that gets my goat. Who is Todd Palin? He's neither an elected official, nor a candidate, and certainly no authority on national security (by dint of proximity to Russia or otherwise). What sort of delusional echo chamber does Sarah Palin live in to be able to criticize Obama's experience or lack thereof?

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