Three months, more than 555 posts, 2,000 visitors -- it's been a pleasure sharing stories about a once-in-a-lifetime election with all of you.
I started the blog due to a passion for politics, an obsession if you will. But it also had more practical roots. I didn't want to flood my friends' email inboxes with a hundred emails each day. Sharing the stories at an neutral place seemed like a better idea even though it meant losing a captive audience.
I hope to continue blogging. It is a labor of love. But the frequency of posts will taper down over time. If you have any suggestions or complaints or anything you want to add, please comment or email or send smoke signals... carrier pigeons...
If I haven't lost you yet, here are two more action items.
First, if you voted today (and I hope you have) please share your experience in the comments section. How long were the lines? How was the mood? Any problems? You get the drift. If you are an overseas reader, feel free to leave anything of note (election related) that might be happening in your neck of the world.
Last point, if you would like my spreadsheet of races to watch -- presidential, senate, gubernatorial, house districts -- let me know via email or comments. I'll try to post it on the blog but I'm not quite sure how to post a document online.
-- Sahil

sahil, you r blog has been the highlight of this season for me. i have passed the blog on to many people, who also found it to be a great way to track what was going on. so thank you so much for all your hard work and great insight.
in il, we can vote early if we want; i voted two weeks ago. as a result no hassles what so ever.
Sahil!!! I've said it many times, I love your blogs and I love you!!!
Thank you so much for putting this together for everyone. I could always count on your blogs to catch me up to date, since I'm so bad at keeping up with politics. Please keep me posted!
xoxoxo - erika
Sahil, I enjoyed your blog immensely & also passed it along to several friends. I visited a few times a day, checking for updates.
As for my voting experience, I have lived in Kansas City, MO for almost 3 months now after moving from the lovely liberal land of Berkeley, CA for 5 years. It was satisfying to know that my vote here could really make a difference in the presidential race. I awoke this morning to see that Missouri has still not decided, but Obama is losing by a mere 6000 votes. In Missouri, all of the cities lean vote blue, while the rural areas are red. I live in a multicultural neighborhood where there are both mansions & section 8 housing all within a square mile. I voted at church & the mood was high. People passed out water & treats. I waited in line about 1 hour, mostly because my last name is in the very popular L-R group. The election helpers were great at letting seniors & the disabled to the front of the line quickly. One voted curbside in their car. The young african american women in front of me stated it was her 1st time voting & she was thrilled. A white woman in her 40s also said the same, stating that she was embarassed of that, while her neighbor told her "what matters is that you're here today." I would estimate that 70% of the people at my voting spot supported Obama, judging from the # of those asking for the much larger "I voted for change" stickers upon exit.
I will miss reading your blog daily. Maybe you should start writing politics online professionally, or damnit, become a politician! You are a great soul w/ passion for the good & I am happy to know you. Thanks again for all your insights.
yes we did.
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