Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama Featured in Anti-Marriage Mailer

The folks behind the campaign to ban same sex marriage in California are sending out this mailer featuring Obama and Biden.

On Salon, an African-American lesbian explains why she's hopeful that an "Obama Effect" won't kill gay marriage in California.
The Obama candidacy has energized African-Americans. Black voter registration is up, which bodes well for him. But here's the rub: Could a large black turnout also bode well for the passage of Proposition 8? Those who would ban same-sex marriage certainly hope so. They are counting on the "Obama Effect" to enlist black voters, along with conservative Latinos, into their ranks. Frank Schubert, co-campaign manager for Yes on 8, says that, "[T]o the extent that they are motivated to get to the polls, whether by this issue or by Barack Obama, it helps us."...

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