Sunday, November 2, 2008

McCain's Open to Dialog with Syria

The Syrian ambassador claims Lieberman assured him that McCain would be open to dialog with Syria.
This is a startling revelation, considering McCain and Lieberman have attacked politicians who have sought to engage Syria diplomatically:

– McCain adviser Max Boot slammed the Israeli government for engaging Syria, casting it as a betrayal of Lebanon. “John McCain is not going to betray the lawfully elected government of Lebanon,” Boot said.

– The McCain campaign slammed David Kutzner, an Obama adviser, for attending a legal summit in Damascus. McCain aide Randy Scheunemann accused Obama of favoring “unconditional summit meetings with state sponsors of terrorism.”

– Lieberman joined the conservative attack machine in slamming Speaker Nancy Pelosi for visiting Syria in 2007. “I believe her visit to Syria was a mistake, that it was bad for the United States of America,” Lieberman said. “And I say this because we’re in a war. We’re in a war against the Islamic terrorists who attacked us on 9-11-01. Syria is a state sponsor of terrorism.”

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