Monday, October 20, 2008


Joe Klein takes McCain to task for "a fabulously loony weekend, flipping out charges and attacks like a mud tornado. The truly remarkable thing about McCain's attacks, especially on Obama's economic policies, is that McCain, in each case, is "guilty" of supporting some version of the policies he's attacking."

On McCain's defense of his campaign's robocalls, Klein says:
Legitimate and truthful? I supposed that's why Susan Collins, one of McCain's closest friends in the Senate, criticized him for this trashball tactic. Oh, and the "same guy" Wallace was referring to is none other than Warren Tompkins, whose name was a synonym for satan among the McCain inner circle in 2000. I can imagine John breaking the news to Cindy, "Hey, honey, great news! Remember that guy who was involved in spreading the rumors about your addiction to pain killers and Bridget being an illegitimate interracial child? Well, we've got him doing that same sort of high-minded stuff for us!"
McCain campaign manager says that McCain may reconsider the use of Rev. Wright and proceeds to blame it on the media.

And Obama's campaign joins in the fun, pointing out ten different attack themes used by McCain in a single day.

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