Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe The Plumber

A few updates on Joe The Plumber:

Some elementary Google searches by FDL reveal that Joe Wurzelbacher bought his business for $130,000, or 120,000 under the Obama threshold he was concerned about.

Martin Eisenstadt points out that Joe is related to Charles Keating.

Jake Tapper points out that Joe would probably be eligible for a tax cut under the Obama plan since the $250,000 figure is the cost of buying the business, not his net earnings from the business.

Think Progress notes that "under Obama’s plan, the tax on income above $250,000 would increase by 3 percentage points from 33 percent to 36 percent — which means that, if his net profits are above $250,000, Wurzelbacher could expect to see his tax bill rise by between $0-$900."

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