Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain's Cars

Obama hits McCain in this Michigan-specific ad. The ad shows a clip of McCain saying he's always bought American and then points out that of the 13 cars McCain owns, three are foreign. While not specifically alluding to the number of homes McCain owns, mentioning that McCain owns 13 cars also hammers home the point that McCain is a rich guy who is out of touch with the common man. More importantly, the ad's tag line goes after McCain's image as a straight talker. All in all, I think it's a pretty effective ad.


Anonymous said...

Anyway to know where the ad is running, and with what frequency?

Sahil said...

From what I can tell, it's running in MI. The frequency, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Right. Someone should come up with a website where you can track all campaign ad runs.